Friday, February 12, 2010

Thick Menses I Have Noticed That Unwanted Hairs On My Face Is Getting Thick And There Are Some Around My Nipples....?

I have noticed that unwanted hairs on my face is getting thick and there are some around my nipples....? - thick menses

And 5, 6 days before my time, my skin is too fat and less grain and a very dark and boring. It began 7 months ago and now my time is not regular, I mean the months before and two weeks in the last month it was again this month, a week later and still no. And the big problem that I see fat and still, fortunately, still in the area of health, but also fat and fat per day. Good location, around the hips and abdomen. Please tell me what is the condition and what to do. Thanks


  1. I think it is a hormonal problem. Make an appointment with your doctor. Believe me, it's great. I went to the dermatologist last year, I had some acne on my face because I do not buy all that junk shops. There are thousands, millions of products out there and how do I know what is right? "So I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed a toner cartridge for me. I did it twice a day and can even make-up on her. It works great, and I could not ask better. So, in any case, go with your physician. :-)

  2. sounds like a hormonal problem. go to the doctor, we take care of you

  3. It .. hormonal problem and if so, it seems hardly dominant male hormones causing facial hair thick and irregular periods.u need to see a gynecologist if you write hormone pills for you.

  4. think you have a problem with your ...... I have an overactive thyroid gland, thyroid gland and symptoms of the 1st I noticed the changes were in my time and the weight loss ..... though somewhat more active tyhriod to weight gain. ... So I think they probably have a small business ..... thyriod u should go to your doctor and blood tests and at all levels .... thyriod This is very sociable and usually a large majority of women have problems, it is really nothing more to stress, thyroid, but you should see your doc and check it out ..... which is usually treated with prescription drugs ... I hope all is well! Good luck!

  5. Sounds like a hormonal problem. We recommend that you obtain your doctor to and control of cortisol.

  6. As the hair growth is a natural phenomenon. If it bothers you I suggest, grow disadvantages unwanted hair. Is the solution to longer term you want permanent hair removal laser is the best way. Gradually, they will reduce the thickness and length of hair on each visit. It will not disappear with the first visit. It depends on how much you want in terms of results to be desired. As for the excess weight is your diet as soon as possible to control. It is easier to avoid having to lose excess weight, try if you are.

  7. Hormones ... Hormones are the problem.

  8. An overview of various methods of hair removal is

  9. Weight gain is likely due to changes in your irregular periods and hair growth. When you begin to lose all the weight back to normal afterwards. Who had a lot of weight in a short period last year, I had my period for one year. As your skin is oily and prone to acne scars, by toxins in the body. I propose an effort healthier and physically.
